Why choose driver education with us?

There are definite benefits to going through formal driver education training vs. parent taught training. Insurance company’s traditionally charge up to 20% less for insuring the young driver that has completed formal driver education with licensed instructors. Over months of time that will more than pay for the cost of driver education. Automobile crashes are the #1 killer of teens in America with over 6000 of them dying every year. Investing the time and money in formal driver training now may help reduce the likelihood of a serious crash later. Statistical data backs this, see NIH.gov for more information. For less than the cost of a gaming console, you can hire a private driving school to introduce a lifetime of proven, safe driving skills and habits.

We have fully trained and professional instructors. We are trained to handle emergency situations caused by the student or other roadway users during training. Instructors are not emotionally connected to your child, giving them the ability to stay focused and unemotional during stressful traffic situations. We are trained to remain calm and speak clearly and unemotionally, even when there are only a second or two before the correct decision must be made. We have thousands of hours of working with new drivers behind the wheel. Instructors have their own brake on their side of the vehicle, allowing them the ability to avoid dangerous, even fatal situations while a new driver is learning and making mistakes.

Often other roadway users get frustrated and or angry towards new drivers that are in traffic potential contributing to aggressive driving or road rage directed toward the learning driver, are vehicles are marked as business cars training new students. We have the students experience city traffic, highway and freeway driving and teach them to parallel, curbing, angle and perpendicular park as well as prep them for what they will be tested on for their in-car driving test to get their license.

Empowering Parents is a program offered in Idaho can be used to help pay for the cost of driver education for those who financially qualify.

A&A Driving School